lundi 11 septembre 2017

                                     Day 4 
By Maxime P and Ghillian F

The hall of Voss school

The canteen where the 380 pupils and the 110 teachers have lunch

Another view of the hall

The climbing wall in the gymnasium

The gymnasium of the school. 14 olympic SKI champions came from Voss

There is a beautiful reindeer trophy in the hall

This flame maybe represents the olympic flame for the 14 champions from Voss

This high school is very huge

The teachers have space. the pupils have courses of 45 minutes and 35 hours per week.

This highschool has a lot of big and organized workshops

The pupils cook for the other pupils.

The highschool has very beautiful landscapes

 There are some garages and workshops where the pupils can work.

We saw different species of vegetables and animals of Norway

The highschool has different vehicles and machines.

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