Our school

The staff : 89 persons

218 pupils + 6 DIMA (vocational special education) + 28 apprentices

The Headmaster / Mr Besson
The principal assistant / Mr Clemenceau
The Administrator / Me Farges (+ The accounting officer from Public Treasury)

The Education counsellor Mr Vigouroux + 6 Education Assistants

The farm Director (Mr Guigue) + 5 employees (Christian, Géraud, Dimitri, Romain and Marina)

The Meat / cosmetics workshop / Me Fruchart + 6 employees (Jacques, Yannick, Didier, Christophe, Brigitte, Pierre)

The Apprentice Centre (Franck Panafieu / Chloé Peccoux + teachers)

The Adult education Centre (Director : Me Tirel /12 trainers) 3 Administrative officers (Bernadette, Christine and Angelina)

A school nurse (Isabelle Boissat)

A software developer (Franck Delmas)

An assignment manager (Alice Chazal)

Administrative officers (Evelyne, Maryse, Lauriane, Véronique, Mathilde)

About 20 Teachers (general subjects / vocational subjects)

3 cooks (Philippe – Diego – Isabelle) and a
team of Caretakers (catering – housekeeping – DIY) : Alain, Gaëtan, Elise, Lucette, Josette, Odile, Christine, Cédric)

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