Environment training

Our training ...
Vocational baccalaureate (A.LEVEL) : Environment and wildlife management

The vocational secondary school 'LPA Louis Mallet' prepares its students to 3 different pathways : Farming, Food processing industry / Cosmetics and pharmaceutic network, and our own training in Management of Environment and Wildlife.

Our pathway trains future multi-purpose technicians in charge of the implementation on the ground of projects of management of spaces and resources.

It includes various school subjects, worksites, workplacements and other activities to discover fauna, flora and ecosystems. 

School Subjects :
French, English, History and Geography, Maths, Physics, Biology, Ecology, Sociocultural Education, Physical education, Computer science, Economy
Spatial planning skills, machinery, practical work

Vocational Activities :
Worksite safety , landscaping, planting, trimming, building low walls / dry masonry, weaving, construction of nest box, animals' counting, monitoring wildlife, restoration of natural environment, river works, protection of wetland sites, construction/restoration of footpath, signposts, providing and organising pedagogical activities or welcome visitors...

Examples: Monitoring royal kites, protecting, restoring and developing a wetzone in Lascols etc.

After school, the pupils can work as forest ranger, technician of river, hunting technician, agent or guide for fishing or hunting federations, Natural park ranger, landscaper, …


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